Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 10, 2011

things I never want to do

1. get peed on (a lot) directly after getting out of the shower

2. go grocery shopping by myself with a baby in the rain

3. deal with AT&T

guess which three things have happened/ will happen today?
Welcome to my life.  I think I finally figured out why I need so much coffee/ chocolate to survive.
Plus, Liam is pretty darn cute.  And so far he has only peed on me the once today.  Wow.  I'm turning into the woman in Baby Mama that says "Is that chocolate or poop?" and then licks it.  Ok, that's gross, but I'm apparently headed in that direction.  If I make it all the way to that stage (which I hope I never do) can someone please smack me over the head?  Thank you.

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