Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, June 8, 2012

aah, the easily amused

Liam is officially the most easily amused baby ever.  He has spent the last hour on the back window seat alternating between playing with the light switches (he can reach 4 from his perch) and jumping up and down starring into the backyard.  Oh, and stomping around trying to make his footsteps as loud as possible.  He is seriously having the best time ever.

I am personally a huge fan because he can't reach anything he shouldn't, and therefore can't get into trouble, and also he doesn't realize that he can get down onto the floor by himself (I know this because he regularly gets down off of taller furniture) but he doesn't want me to know he's stuck because that would apparently wreck his coolness factor. 

I leave him there for a while then so I can get some things done, and its ok because he climbed up there himself in the first place, and he giggles all the time playing on the window seat, so I know he's happy.  Win win. 

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