Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

You know you must be massively pregnant when...

you become obsessed with the depth of your belly button.

You heard me.

I will seriously stick my finger into my belly button and see how deep it goes.  Lately, it's pretty darn shallow.  This kind of freaks me out a little, because those preggo outtie belly buttons are kinda funky looking.  Not that my stomach is all cute right now or anything anyway.  But still...

The amount a pregnant stomach can grow in general is insane.  For instance, Alicia's has grown about 3-4 inches in the last 2 weeks.  2 WEEKS!  Is that not crazy!!!  I still have 2 months to go!  How freakin' huge am I going to get?!

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