Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Jeff and I are both in agreement that its is a crime our society doesn't wear hats.  Sure, the occasional beanie maybe, but where are all the fedoras and big British-y, Baptist church style hats?  Wouldn't it be awesome if people wore hats every time they left the house like in older times?  Just think of it, an excuse to buy more pretty things (hats), and a perfect cover for frizzy hat.  Right?  I for one am planning on wearing hats every day this week.  I can't wait.  Pictures of my choices to come!

In the meantime, enjoy these pictures of nifty hats that I found online.  *note* I found all these photos online and I don't know any of these people.  This is just for inspiration.

Liam has this hat and I can't wait until he fits into it!

I want this hat so badly

anything with crazy feathers is awesome

you can't be cooler than Frank.  Exhibit A: hats are cool.

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