Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I can't believe it

My little guy is 6 months old today!  Time went by so fast.  He can sit up by himself, drank out of a cup (sometimes), and loves to eat fruit.  I love that he is so capable, but I want my baby to stay my baby forever. 
completely asleep.  somehow.

Liam is very proud of his abs.

most babies want to lay down in bouncers. Liam likes to sit up and examine his.

he decided sideways was more interesting.  Jeff put him in the normal direction.

we went to the grocery store yesterday and a woman came up to us and said "Did you know you all match?"  We were all wearing gray and didn't realize it.

I love this happy boy!

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