Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

"special" nurseries

everyone loves wallpaper that hurts your eyes when you stare at it!
lovely wall color, don't you think?
normal enough, if kinda boring.  Until you notice the three candlesticks on the table.  WTF?
you know what my baby's room needs?  An ostrich.
Today I learned that John Deere makes about a dozen different patterns of baby blankets.  Wow...
Dark brown walls with what looks like platelets.  Just screams "baby room".
If I was a baby the giraffe looking down at me, and the zebra skin on the carpet would scare the hell out of me!!!
Yes, it is a cow themed room.
Babies just love the minimalist look (but only if there are sharp corners too!)
the "I forgot to decorate" look
Bright colors help kids sleep, right?

For the ultimate "Small World" fan

While on my crazy search for the perfect baby room I have found several that are either weird or flat out ugly.  As I continue my search I will be posting more photos of awful rooms.  Sorry if one of these happens to be a photo of your child's room, or if you are crazy and think one or more of these are cute.