Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, October 21, 2011

sorry, I don't have pictures

Yesterday was my four year wedding anniversary.  I honestly can't believe it has gone by so fast.  Jeff seriously had to count the years because he didn't believe me.  The last four years have been great.  Although its not like Jeff wasn't in my life long before we got married.  We started dating when I was fourteen.  Wow, that makes me feel really old.  And nostalgic.  Ok, old pictures of Jeff and myself to come soon.  I just have to find them first.  You know your husband is awesome when we agree ahead of time we aren't getting each other anything, then he comes home with roses, dark chocolate, and since he beat me home he also cleaned the house.  I'm pretty much married to the porn for women guy.  Plus when we got Chinese takeout (awesome!) and were trying to pick a movie to watch he picked 10 Things I Hate About You which I love and scarily have memorized.  Here's to about a million more years with the best husband and father ever. 

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