Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I'm here in spirit

Ever wonder why sometimes long-ish lengths of time go by where I am absent and have zero posts?  It is generally because I am sitting in front of the computer with Liam asleep on my lap, straining but failing to reach my laptop keyboard.  Or playing with him and thinking of something that would be awesome to post.  By the time I get to the computer, I have nearly always forgotten what that thing is. 

One of the things distracting me today was Liam starting to get teeth!  So exciting!  He's got his bottom two center teeth flush with his gum line.  I'm really not looking forward to Liam possibly being in pain from teeth coming in, or biting, but I'm still excited to take cute pictures with teeny teeth in them!

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