Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 31, 2011

things I love about Halloween

My current favorite is dressing Liam up as random cute things, like a renaissance baby, or a nerd (argyle vest and bow tie), or whatever else I make up at the time.  I do also love chocolate.  I'm really hoping we don't get many trick-or-treaters this year because Jeff didn't buy very many mini Twix....

I also loooove the people watching.  I was working today at the mall and I saw a woman walking around casually in a ball gown, gold sequin heels, a tiara, and elbow length gloves.  I totally thought she was a lunatic before I realized today was Halloween.  There is no way I would walk around during the day in costume.  I love dress up, but I have my limits.  I love people watching on Halloween because sometimes I can't tell if people are in costume or not.  For instance I saw a guy riding a motorcycle today in a button up shirt and suspenders.  When I see people like that I can play the game: Costume or Not?  Yay!

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