Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

at long last

I know I've been promising to post about our trip to Disneyland, which was almost a month ago...really?  Where did the time go?  Liam had such a good time.  We went with my parents, so he gots lots and lots of attention.  Besides Disneyland, Liam had a bunch of other first too, the beach, the LA zoo, and other fun little trips.  On his very first ride (Little Mermaid.  Yes, I know it isn't the most manliest of rides, but we passed by it first and there was no line.) I sat him on my lap, pulled down the lapbar, and he immediately put both his hands on the bar and started looking around.  The kid was a pro.  We went to Disneyland 2 days and not once did he have a tantrum.  When he was tired, he would take a catnap in his stroller, and he ate when we wanted to take breaks anyway.  I swear, easiest kid ever.  He loved everything.  His favorites were It's a Small World, Winnie the Pooh, and the Carousel.  He also loved the parade and World of Color.  He showed off his mad flirting skills with every girl he saw, and made it such a fun trip!
first time touching the ocean.  He looked wiggling his toes in the sand!

on the tram to Disneyland!

Liam decided he would rather eat his glasses than look through them.

I know this it sideways.  It shouldn't be, but my computer won't let me fix it.  Anyway, Liam was obsessed with Mickey's nose.  He kept trying to reach over and grab it.

Jeff showing Liam the koi fish at the mall.  I know, only a mall in southern California would have koi fish.  Doesn't Liam look so cute in overalls?

one of many pictures during his cat naps

the manly picture.  Kind of.  Aren't my boys cute?

Too bad the picture doesn't show it.  My dad's smile is way bigger than Liam's!

piggy back rides at the zoo

waiting for everyone to get off Tower of Terror.  I love watching him sit up by himself.  He thinks he is too cool.

Another stupid sideways one.  Oh well.  This is in Small World.  Liam LOVED it.

we just got out of Captain EO.  He was excited because it was a fun movie and the seats move.  I didn't know how he'd respond going into it, but I'm glad he liked it.  We sat by the exit, just in case...
I literally have at least 300 more pictures from that trip.  No, they are not all from my camera.  My parents had cameras too.  These are just a few of my favorites.

1 comment:

  1. He is SO CUTE! I hope you get that one with Mickey Framed!
