Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 29, 2011

super cute, super power?

Liam has the super power of being super cute.  I know this because he is teething (both front two bottom teeth!) and because of that he got a bad cold (his first ever), and he has therefore become Mr. Super Grouchy Pants the Snot Monster.  And he is still cute.  He spends large amounts of time with his face covered in equal parts snot and drool and shrieks as loud as he can while trying his best not to intake any of his infant cold medication.  Even though I tried to tell him it is cherry flavored, which is awesome and tastes like candy.  He, of course, will not listen.
in a happy, not-quite-so-snotty mood

nap time

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