Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 10, 2011

Renaissance Faire!

Yeah, I'm a huge nerd.  Like you didn't already know.  Recently a bunch of us went to the Renaissance Faire, which has become an annual tradition.  Yay!  Its so much fun.  This year we added the babies to our group, and of course they had to have costumes.  I made Liam's to be his Halloween costume as well.  I think it turned out pretty well, but because he is so wiggly I couldn't really get many good pictures of him in it.  Of course, the lighting was bad so none of our group shots came out, but whatever.  A good time was had by all.
he was actually pretty comfy in there

Liam's been obsessed with drinking out of cups lately

rare photo of Jeff actually smiling

see? obsessed with cups

every time he sat down he would try to eat his shoe, I don't think you can really see it here, put the toe of his left shoe is dripping with slobber

his eyelashes are longer than mine. no joke.

this is Broon.  He's our favorite performer.  His finale is juggling a bowling ball, a flaming torch and an apple.  While eating said apple.  Plus, he's hilarious.

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