Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 31, 2011

things I love about Halloween

My current favorite is dressing Liam up as random cute things, like a renaissance baby, or a nerd (argyle vest and bow tie), or whatever else I make up at the time.  I do also love chocolate.  I'm really hoping we don't get many trick-or-treaters this year because Jeff didn't buy very many mini Twix....

I also loooove the people watching.  I was working today at the mall and I saw a woman walking around casually in a ball gown, gold sequin heels, a tiara, and elbow length gloves.  I totally thought she was a lunatic before I realized today was Halloween.  There is no way I would walk around during the day in costume.  I love dress up, but I have my limits.  I love people watching on Halloween because sometimes I can't tell if people are in costume or not.  For instance I saw a guy riding a motorcycle today in a button up shirt and suspenders.  When I see people like that I can play the game: Costume or Not?  Yay!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

super cute, super power?

Liam has the super power of being super cute.  I know this because he is teething (both front two bottom teeth!) and because of that he got a bad cold (his first ever), and he has therefore become Mr. Super Grouchy Pants the Snot Monster.  And he is still cute.  He spends large amounts of time with his face covered in equal parts snot and drool and shrieks as loud as he can while trying his best not to intake any of his infant cold medication.  Even though I tried to tell him it is cherry flavored, which is awesome and tastes like candy.  He, of course, will not listen.
in a happy, not-quite-so-snotty mood

nap time

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

sorry lady, there is no hope for you

You know those stickers people put on the back window of their cars?  The stickers that each represent a family member?  The "normal" one looks like this:

Then there are some dorkier versions (yes, it IS possible)

then comes the saddest of all.  This is the lady that will be crazy and without other humans for forever.  This lady cannot be helped.  I saw one of these yesterday.  Granted the random picture I found online has about twice as many cats on it, but you get the idea.

Scary, right?

Monday, October 24, 2011

fun new thing

I have been a bit obsessed with Pinterest lately.  Seriously, there isn't a whole lot to do when your baby wants to fall asleep on your lap and wakes up if you move him. So I've been spending too much time on Pinterest.  I added a "follow me on Pinterest" button to my site today.  If you haven't already, check it out.  Let me know if you find cool stuff.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Jeff and I are both in agreement that its is a crime our society doesn't wear hats.  Sure, the occasional beanie maybe, but where are all the fedoras and big British-y, Baptist church style hats?  Wouldn't it be awesome if people wore hats every time they left the house like in older times?  Just think of it, an excuse to buy more pretty things (hats), and a perfect cover for frizzy hat.  Right?  I for one am planning on wearing hats every day this week.  I can't wait.  Pictures of my choices to come!

In the meantime, enjoy these pictures of nifty hats that I found online.  *note* I found all these photos online and I don't know any of these people.  This is just for inspiration.

Liam has this hat and I can't wait until he fits into it!

I want this hat so badly

anything with crazy feathers is awesome

you can't be cooler than Frank.  Exhibit A: hats are cool.

I'm here in spirit

Ever wonder why sometimes long-ish lengths of time go by where I am absent and have zero posts?  It is generally because I am sitting in front of the computer with Liam asleep on my lap, straining but failing to reach my laptop keyboard.  Or playing with him and thinking of something that would be awesome to post.  By the time I get to the computer, I have nearly always forgotten what that thing is. 

One of the things distracting me today was Liam starting to get teeth!  So exciting!  He's got his bottom two center teeth flush with his gum line.  I'm really not looking forward to Liam possibly being in pain from teeth coming in, or biting, but I'm still excited to take cute pictures with teeny teeth in them!

Friday, October 21, 2011

this cutest boy ever

Yesterday my mom and I took Liam to Picture People and he had so many cute pictures that we couldn't pick just one.  I know these are awful quality because I took pictures of the pictures with my low quality phone, but they are so cute I just had to share.

this is from the day before when we got cousin pictures.  This was just taken while the photographer was out of the room.  Of course Liam isn't looking, but its cute anyway.

sorry, I don't have pictures

Yesterday was my four year wedding anniversary.  I honestly can't believe it has gone by so fast.  Jeff seriously had to count the years because he didn't believe me.  The last four years have been great.  Although its not like Jeff wasn't in my life long before we got married.  We started dating when I was fourteen.  Wow, that makes me feel really old.  And nostalgic.  Ok, old pictures of Jeff and myself to come soon.  I just have to find them first.  You know your husband is awesome when we agree ahead of time we aren't getting each other anything, then he comes home with roses, dark chocolate, and since he beat me home he also cleaned the house.  I'm pretty much married to the porn for women guy.  Plus when we got Chinese takeout (awesome!) and were trying to pick a movie to watch he picked 10 Things I Hate About You which I love and scarily have memorized.  Here's to about a million more years with the best husband and father ever. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I can't believe it

My little guy is 6 months old today!  Time went by so fast.  He can sit up by himself, drank out of a cup (sometimes), and loves to eat fruit.  I love that he is so capable, but I want my baby to stay my baby forever. 
completely asleep.  somehow.

Liam is very proud of his abs.

most babies want to lay down in bouncers. Liam likes to sit up and examine his.

he decided sideways was more interesting.  Jeff put him in the normal direction.

we went to the grocery store yesterday and a woman came up to us and said "Did you know you all match?"  We were all wearing gray and didn't realize it.

I love this happy boy!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

happy fall!

I love fall.  Everything is crisp and pretty, and I can wear comfy sweaters.  Plus I can bake as much as I want without heating up the kitchen.  Yay!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Renaissance Faire!

Yeah, I'm a huge nerd.  Like you didn't already know.  Recently a bunch of us went to the Renaissance Faire, which has become an annual tradition.  Yay!  Its so much fun.  This year we added the babies to our group, and of course they had to have costumes.  I made Liam's to be his Halloween costume as well.  I think it turned out pretty well, but because he is so wiggly I couldn't really get many good pictures of him in it.  Of course, the lighting was bad so none of our group shots came out, but whatever.  A good time was had by all.
he was actually pretty comfy in there

Liam's been obsessed with drinking out of cups lately

rare photo of Jeff actually smiling

see? obsessed with cups

every time he sat down he would try to eat his shoe, I don't think you can really see it here, put the toe of his left shoe is dripping with slobber

his eyelashes are longer than mine. no joke.

this is Broon.  He's our favorite performer.  His finale is juggling a bowling ball, a flaming torch and an apple.  While eating said apple.  Plus, he's hilarious.

things I never want to do

1. get peed on (a lot) directly after getting out of the shower

2. go grocery shopping by myself with a baby in the rain

3. deal with AT&T

guess which three things have happened/ will happen today?
Welcome to my life.  I think I finally figured out why I need so much coffee/ chocolate to survive.
Plus, Liam is pretty darn cute.  And so far he has only peed on me the once today.  Wow.  I'm turning into the woman in Baby Mama that says "Is that chocolate or poop?" and then licks it.  Ok, that's gross, but I'm apparently headed in that direction.  If I make it all the way to that stage (which I hope I never do) can someone please smack me over the head?  Thank you.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

at long last

I know I've been promising to post about our trip to Disneyland, which was almost a month ago...really?  Where did the time go?  Liam had such a good time.  We went with my parents, so he gots lots and lots of attention.  Besides Disneyland, Liam had a bunch of other first too, the beach, the LA zoo, and other fun little trips.  On his very first ride (Little Mermaid.  Yes, I know it isn't the most manliest of rides, but we passed by it first and there was no line.) I sat him on my lap, pulled down the lapbar, and he immediately put both his hands on the bar and started looking around.  The kid was a pro.  We went to Disneyland 2 days and not once did he have a tantrum.  When he was tired, he would take a catnap in his stroller, and he ate when we wanted to take breaks anyway.  I swear, easiest kid ever.  He loved everything.  His favorites were It's a Small World, Winnie the Pooh, and the Carousel.  He also loved the parade and World of Color.  He showed off his mad flirting skills with every girl he saw, and made it such a fun trip!
first time touching the ocean.  He looked wiggling his toes in the sand!

on the tram to Disneyland!

Liam decided he would rather eat his glasses than look through them.

I know this it sideways.  It shouldn't be, but my computer won't let me fix it.  Anyway, Liam was obsessed with Mickey's nose.  He kept trying to reach over and grab it.

Jeff showing Liam the koi fish at the mall.  I know, only a mall in southern California would have koi fish.  Doesn't Liam look so cute in overalls?

one of many pictures during his cat naps

the manly picture.  Kind of.  Aren't my boys cute?

Too bad the picture doesn't show it.  My dad's smile is way bigger than Liam's!

piggy back rides at the zoo

waiting for everyone to get off Tower of Terror.  I love watching him sit up by himself.  He thinks he is too cool.

Another stupid sideways one.  Oh well.  This is in Small World.  Liam LOVED it.

we just got out of Captain EO.  He was excited because it was a fun movie and the seats move.  I didn't know how he'd respond going into it, but I'm glad he liked it.  We sat by the exit, just in case...
I literally have at least 300 more pictures from that trip.  No, they are not all from my camera.  My parents had cameras too.  These are just a few of my favorites.

tomato love

If ever you want to plant tomatoes, plant sun golds.  I have harvested soo many this season.  I love tomatoes and literally have not had to purchase any this season.  This is our harvest after not picking any for three days prior.

I've used them in a million different recipes, but my all time favorite is tomato soup.  I got this recipe from Food Network.

Roasted Tomato Soup


  • 2 1/2 pounds fresh tomatoes (mix of fresh heirlooms, cherry, vine and plum tomatoes)
  • 6 cloves garlic, peeled
  • 2 small yellow onions, sliced
  • Vine cherry tomatoes for garnish, optional
  • 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 quart chicken stock
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh basil leaves, optional
  • 3/4 cup heavy cream, optional


Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.

Wash, core and cut the tomatoes into halves. Spread the tomatoes, garlic cloves and onions onto a baking tray. If using vine cherry tomatoes for garnish, add them as well, leaving them whole and on the vine. Drizzle with 1/2 cup of olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Roast for 20 to 30 minutes, or until caramelized.
Remove roasted tomatoes, garlic and onion from the oven and transfer to a large stock pot (set aside the roasted vine tomatoes for later). Add 3/4 of the chicken stock, bay leaves, and butter. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes or until liquid has reduced by a third.
Wash and dry basil leaves, if using, and add to the pot. Use an immersion blender to puree the soup until smooth. Return soup to low heat, add cream and adjust consistency with remaining chicken stock, if necessary. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Garnish in bowl with 3 or 4 roasted vine cherry tomatoes and a splash of heavy cream.

I made a few changes to my soup.  I know its optional, but I didn't add the cream.  I did add the fresh basil (from the garden too.  Yum!), and Jeff likes super thick soup, so I added a little cornstarch.  If you use sun gold tomatoes the soup tastes a little sweet, which I like, and turns the soup a pretty orange color.  Umm, I just caught myself drooling...awkward.