Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, August 1, 2011

you know your child needs their nails trimmed when...

they accidentally scratch you and draw blood.  At this point Liam pretty much has Wolverine claws.  Jeff and I both wish Liam could wear mittens forever because we are both spazzes at cutting his nails and we've each nicked his skin once.  I felt soooo guilty!  But Liam is like a hurricane and can't stop moving long enough -or at all- for us to trim his nails.  He even moves too much in his sleep.  If there existed a professional baby nail trimmer I would be there at least once a week.  Hint hint.  Someone please become that profession now.  The parents of the world need you!

1 comment:

  1. take him to petsmart, I bet they would do it. that is what we need to do with Dutchess.
