Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

happy boy

I freaking love this boy!  Really, how could I not?  Jeff and I have a joke because my grandma thought I was upset by not having a girl, she kept trying to cheer me up (when it obviously wasn't even needed) before Liam was born.  Now Jeff paraphrases her comments and says things like, "it's ok honey,  Eventually you might grow to like him."  He mostly does his comments directly after I mention how I totally adore Liam.  Anyway, Liam totally is the best baby ever.  He falls asleep at night easily, he wakes up smiling, he has slept through the night since he was a month old (moms please don't hate me, I'm sure your kids will eventually sleep through the night), and he's pretty happy all day.  Although lately he thinks he is a big boy because he can sit up better so he gets mad if you lay him on his play mat.  He wants to sit to play with his toys.  Then he gets too excited and accidentally flings himself backwards where he needs me to sit him back up immediately or he gets grouchy because only infants lay down.  Apparently. 

Also, I've decided that Jeff and myself are totally screwed.  Liam is a super easy baby, so when we have a second baby (unless it is as easy as Liam) we are going to think it is a grumpy demonic baby.  Wow, makes me sound like super-mom, right?  Possibly calling my future next baby demonic?

1 comment:

  1. OMG look at those cheeks. What a doll! He gets cuter in every pic!
