Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, August 12, 2011

the life of a super nerd

My favorite three things -not counting Liam, cause he would dominate everytime.  Really, not counting people or pets at all then- are currently (in no particular order):

1. Jeff singing "Safety Dance" in the weird voice the band sings in, plus doing all the random funny music bits in the same voice.  Totally makes my morning.

2. The Jane Austen Handbook.  I got it last week.  It's awesome.  It tells you how to do important things like pay a morning call, or elope to Scotland.

3. Matt got me addicted to the Hunger Games books by Suzanne Collins.  At first I agreed to read them because he didn't know anyone else who had read them and he needed someone to discuss them with.  But then they got addicting, and even with a baby, I've managed to read the first two (out of three) in two days. 

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