Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

ewww. totally ewww.

I literally gagged when I was flipping through my new issue of Food Network magazine and saw that state fairs in Texas this year were selling deep fried butter.  Yes.  I said deep fried BUTTER.  As someone who thinks butter is pretty gross anyway I was completely disgusted.  I am always amazed at what people will eat when it is fried.  Jeff really wanted a deep fried moon pie this year.  I'm pretty sure that if deep fried dirt was available people would eat it.  This is what the California State Fair had to offer this year:

Jeff thought it would be funny to get a picture with Liam holding a corn dog because he's obviously too young for solid food, but Liam likes to grab things and he has super strong kung-fu baby grip, so Jeff had a hard time getting his lunch back!

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