Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

getting nervous

I put a random netflix movie on today and it happened to be You AgainYou Again.
For anyone who hasn't seen it, it contains an engagement, Kristen Bell, and revisiting (mostly) bad high school experiences.  I'm thinking this was a bad choice to watch, because I'm going to my 10th high school reunion this weekend.  I know, right?  When did I get that old?!  I wasn't tormented in high school or anything, but I was by no means popular.  That mixed with the usual post high school weight gain makes me want to show up looking completely amazing in an impossible "I didn't even try" way.  I think I'm screwed.  Basically I'm just glad I'm going with Kristin, cause she makes everything fun.  But I do think I will definitely need those two wine vouchers included in the ticket...

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