Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 31, 2011

I've seen weirder. But still...

Every once in a while I get bored and look up the search keywords that led people to my blog.  Today I've got to say that my new favorite keywords are "caterpillar baby faces".  Was someone trying to find caterpillar pictures with baby faces instead of caterpillar faces?  Or possibly some babies whose faces look like those of caterpillars?  And really, what does a caterpillar face look like?  I'm so intrigued.  After all, the only time I've mentioned caterpillars in my blog has been to mention one being friends with a mouse muffin on Liam's onesie.

It still makes me laugh inside that my blog about afternoon delight (the dessert, not the kind in the song) is totally my number one read post.  All the dirty people go to that post expecting not to read about my want of fluffy dessert... Mwah Ha Ha (that was my evil laugh).  It is really the little things that make life awesome.  Like screwing with people through deceptive blog post titles. 

By the way, curiosity got the better of me.  This is what a caterpillar's face looks like.  I sincerely hope no baby's face looks like this.  Because that would be one totally hideous baby.

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