Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 4, 2011

one more month!

So my birthday is in exactly one month.  Not that I'm excited or counting down or anything.  I love birthdays!  I really don't even care if its mine or not.  I don't even have any plans for my birthday yet.  But nonetheless I'm excited anyway.  For any How I Met Your Mother fans out there, I love my birthday as much as Lily loves hers.  Yeah, I'm reaching late 20's status, and I act like a 5 year old on my birthday.  It is the one day (in my opinion) where you can act like a little kid (jubilant, not bratty) so why not make the best of it, right?  And just so you all know, I'm totally wearing a tiara on my birthday.  The whole day.  I know Jeff will probably act like he doesn't know me, but at least Liam will think I'm cool.  I hope.

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