Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, August 5, 2011

I want to know who they are

ALL of Liam's bibs have a label on the back saying "Do not iron".  First of all, you may be asking yourself "Why was Liesl reading the bib label?  Random."  Well, he was asleep on my lap wearing it, and I was bored because I couldn't read my computer or any books, so I read his label.  Anyway, no matter what brand, his bibs all say not to iron.  I REALLY want to know who would iron a bib.  I'm guessing it is the weirdos who iron their jeans and underwear.  And really, who does that?!  And back to topic, Liam's bibs primarily come from places like Walmart or Babies R Us.  Why would someone iron things from there?  I could see maybe if you were a crazy obsessive ironer AND you have a bib from Neiman Marcus that was way swanky you MIGHT want to iron it.  But still...

1 comment:

  1. That is really funny, who would do that? And if you DID, I wonder what would happen?? Would the iron start sparking? Bib melt? Maybe you should try it one just to see what the big fuss is all about, haha.
