Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

where did my tiny little baby go?

Jeff told Liam he's not allowed to grow any bigger until he can walk and use the toilet by himself, but I doubt he'll listen.  Liam just keeps getting bigger and doing more things.  I can almost understand why that crazy Duggar lady has like 19 kids or something.  You miss the itty bitty baby who couldn't even support its own head.

 Liam totally thought he was hot stuff at ikea yesterday.  It was the first time he had ever ridden in his stroller without being in the car seat.  He loved it!  I can't being he's finally big enough to not need the more confined car seat.

normally when he holds his bottle by himself he tilts it up to the correct angle a bit more, but he was being lazy.

I just thought this was funny.  His foot being in the ring.
He can play with his feet too, but I have yet to get an unblurry picture of that.

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