Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

parenting fail

I was walking through the mall today and I saw a father pushing his daughter in her stroller.  Well, technically he was pushing her in her carseat in her stroller because it was a travel system and the girl couldn't have been any older than 3 months.  The fail comes in to play here because nestled in the carseat by the girl's shins was a portable DVD player playing a Tinkerbell movie.  Apparently the dad thought his tiny baby would go crazy if she didn't have a movie to watch during their trip.  What 3 month old needs a movie to distract them?  It was seriously the weirdest thing I've seen recently.  I mean, if I wanted  to distract a 3 month old I would give them a cool toy or a pacifier maybe.  Not a cartoon.

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