Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

hazzah! ( Is that how you spell that?)

As of yesterday at 9:29am I am officially an aunt!  My goal is to be a super cool aunt and have my nephew (and future nieces and nephews) want to hang out with me.  Anyway, yesterday was insane, and I was at the hospital with family pretty much all day.  I have an whole long story to go with this, and massively cute pictures too, but they will have to wait for tomorrow.

Suffice it to say, I am now going crazy, because Vin is here and Liam isn't, and I want something soft and snuggly that doesn't get mad and run away when she's done with you (Luna, I am so talking to you!).

So let the countdown begin!  Only 6 1/2 more weeks to go!  Unless he is late, which he'd better not be, because I will go crazy!

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