Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 26, 2011

5 more weeks!

I truly wish that I was a more patient person.  I want to meet Liam NOW and it's driving me crazy.  It really doesn't help when I've just come from hanging out with little Vin either, because he's such a cute little cuddlebug.   And when I say I want to meet him now, I mean I wish his due date happened to be sooner.  I do not mean that I want him 5 weeks premature.  Everyone is driving me crazy because whenever I say "I wish I could have him right now", everyone's immediate response is "Oh, but then he wouldn't be very healthy.   You want him to stay in there as long as possible.  At least 39-40 weeks."  Really people?!  Why does EVERYONE seem to think this way?  Is it because everyone I've talked to thinks I'll be some sort of ill informed monster of a mother?  I can't believe that's true, but nothing else makes any more sense.  So let me set the record very very straight.

I want Liam ASAP.   I just wish his due date was magically changed to be closer to now, and I want him to be full sized (not too big I hope!  I'm getting huge!) and healthy.  It also wouldn't hurt if Liam was massively cute, and at least as well behaved as Vin.  That would be fantastic.

Pacified now people?

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