Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I officially do not understand cats

Luna has at least one bed/ throne in every room of the house (except the bathrooms, and kitchen).  By bed or throne I mean something off the floor and covered in several cushions and generally a lot of fleece (she LOVES fleece).  So there is no reason why she should be sleeping anywhere not massively comfy.  And yet I walk into the living room and she is asleep in the middle of the floor with her head squished oddly against the floor.  Looking so uncomfortable that I really wanted to either take her picture to post it here, or carry her to somewhere softer.  But she got up before I could reach her.

Seriously!  I just looked over and she's doing it again!  I totally don't get cats anymore.  Mine's a weirdo.  She's trying to mash herself into the carpet while she sleeps, and she's smiling!  Is that normal?  Wait, bad question.  I already know she's not a normal cat...

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