Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, March 18, 2011

my dad is crazy

I got an email from my dad this morning with a link in it.  I was a bit confused because the email title was "bug conversion" and the email just said "for a quicker trip to the delivery room".  I know I'm a spaz, because even though I drive a Beetle, I was thinking the email was about creepy crawly bugs.

Once I opened the link and read the page I called my dad and told him I didn't think it would work.

me: Um, I don't think that would work because there's no backseat.  So where would I put the carseat?

dad: you could move the engine over a little and put the carseat next to it.  Or make some modifications to attach the carseat to the roof.

me: ummm....

dad: think about it..  If the carseat was next to the engine, the baby would stay nice and warm.

It's a good thing I know my dad wasn't completely serious, because otherwise I think I would have to lock him in a room with padded walls.  But if there were any doubts before, now you know where my craziness comes from.

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