Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 19, 2011

my nephew

Like I said a few days ago, I am now an aunt.  On March 15th at 9:29am my awesome sister-in-law gave birth to little Vincent Michael.  He's the cutest snuggliest little guy ever, and now I am even more impatient for Liam to get here.  I know there are a million pictures of Vin floating around somewhere, but unfortunately Toni took most of them while Alicia was trying to breast feed so most of those show partial boob.  Not about to post those photos.  On the up side, I know now to bring my nursing cover with me to the hospital so there won't be boob photos of me floating around too.  By the way, he does actually open his eyes.  They are very alert, but he falls asleep at the drop of a hat too. 

When I have a two day old baby I hope to look this happy and not asleep/ crappy, etc.  Alicia is amazing.

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