Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 30, 2011

text messages

So you know how you'll have a conversation through texting, and sometimes, especially if the conversation had a long pause, you'll get a seeming random text until you remember it's the next bit of conversation?
Well, my mom and I were texting because I wanted her to find my favorite teddy bear for Liam, and I didn't know where it was.  Of course, my mom forgot what it even looked like (I guess I had a lot of bears), so she started texting me pictures of bears, and telling me which stuffed animals she just found.  By the way, I know this is random and disjointed, I hope it makes at least a little sense to read...
This is my favorite text that she send regarding the bear issue.

"I have paddington and curiosity george and a camel."

Awesome, right?  When she sent this, we hadn't mentioned stuffed animals for several hours, plus she apparently doesn't know Curious George's name.  And I don't remember ever having a stuffed camel.  Who has a stuffed camel?  Anyway, I found it funny and thought I'd share.

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