Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 13, 2011

the simple things

I was randomly thinking last night... By that I mean I was thinking of random things, not that it was random that I was thinking.  Anyway... as of this past New Year's Eve Jeff and I have been at our house for two years.  I know, it doesn't seem like it's been that long. (Trust me, there is a point to this) Lately I've been filling out random paperwork (mostly job apps for Jeff) that make you give your previous address if you've been in your current place for less than two years, which makes everything more confusing because before our house we lived with Jeremy and Alicia but we used both sets of parents for mailing addresses due to the sketchyness of the neighborhood, so I never really knew which previous address I should put.  I mean, you can't put three addresses down as previous addresses for the same time frame.  So anyway, now life is a whole lot simpler because I only have to put down one address now.  Yay!  And that's why the little things in life rock.

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