Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, January 3, 2011

the three little things that make sleep impossible

1. Jeff apparently only snores when Luna sleeps on his chest (which is really cute, cause when he breathes, all of her rises and falls with him noticeably), but still.  Snoring is snoring.

2. When Luna is totally unconscious sleep wise, she makes this weird breathing through her nose noise that sounds like beeping.  Once again, cute, but not when you're trying to sleep.

3. And last but not least, every night at 11pm, no matter what my activity level was like during the day, Liam decides he wants to play a very long drum solo in my belly.

I've heard that no matter how tired you are while pregnant, it doesn't even compare to the tiredness level you will have once the baby is born.   Oh boy...can't wait.  That was massive sarcasm by the way.

I'll be the zombie not leaving the house for a few months who falls asleep everywhere.

Yeah,... that sounds about right.

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