Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

back to Christmas

Several days ago I gave a bit of a Christmas teaser, so I figured I should probably make good on the rest of the story.  Christmas Eve was a lively event with the in-laws that ended up turning a bit white trash.  That, of course only made everything funnier.  The interesting stuff mostly started with a monther v. daughter game of beer pong in the kitchen.  For anyone who has not seen their mother-in-law almost win a game of beer pong, this is very funny!  And the whole thing was captured on video.  Actually, it's probably already on youtube.  Hmm, I should look for that... Then all the boys (this includes ages 3 to 31) went into a bedroom and several of them walked out later with multiple pellet gun welts.  Mostly given out by the 31 year old.  Of course.  Then one of Jeff's cousins decided he was overheating, and in the middle of the whole family event, he stripped down to basketball shorts and an undershirt.  Also, he supposedly took a shower to cool off at some point.  So random.  Oh yeah, then the 3 year old played beer bong against several people.  Don't worry though, his dad drank the beer for him.

Then the next night at my family's Christmas get together I heard that the night before, my aunt was showing everyone the (hopefully self published) book she had just written as was selling for $22.  It is a children's book with a story that revolves around a dead beetle.  I swear I am not making this up.  In a between bouts of laughter at retelling the story, my mom and uncle managed to tell me bits like, "Hey, why aren't you getting up?  Oh, that's right.  You're a dead beetle."  Unfortunately she didn't' bring it with her Christmas day, so I never got to read it in front of her while trying to keep a straight face, like the rest of my family.  My family wasn't nearly as funny as Jeff's.  Mostly just my grandmas making truly awkward and uncomfortable comments about my baby.  Apparently she thought I only would tolerate having a girl and she kept trying to tell me that boys are ok too.  It was soo awkward!  I really missed my tradition cosmo with mom before that family arrived...

Anyway, I know it's way past cause I took a break of writing for awhile, but I hope everyone had awesome holiday stuff going on.  Let me know if your stories can top family beer pong tournaments, pellet guns, stripping, and a dead beetle book.

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