Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jeff in the kitchen

I get really excited when Jeff wants to make anything in the kitchen.  Mostly my reasons are selfish (I want him to make me yummy things.  So far he mostly is just the king of breakfast.  Pancakes, crepes, eggs...)
Anyway, Jeff totally loves cheese and experiments, so when he got a cheese making kit for Christmas I was intrigued.  Last night he decided to make cheddar.  Now, I have no idea how it's going to turn out because it takes a day to make, and then at least a week or so to sit around and do its thing.  Also, I think he added a wrong ingredient, and he cut the recipe in half (I don't know if that will make a difference), but it smells like cheese, or at least some sort of dairy in the kitchen, so maybe he just made a different kind of cheese.  One thing I have learned so far about cheese making kits is that they don't quite come with everything you will need.  For instance, you are supposed to put weight on the cheese ball when it's in solid form, but you have to get your own weight.  Jeff used my bright orange 7 pound dumbbells, which are awkwardly shaped to use in the kitchen.  This has resulted in the breakage of 4 plates (so far), including one of our good plates.  This also means that I have found several puddles of whey on the floor from where everything fell.  Awesome...
So basically I'm happy that Jeff is doing stuff in the kitchen, but now our kitchen is a mess and this cheese had better taste amazing.  Yes, I know, I won't be eating it.  But everyone who does had better say it's amazing.  I just realized that being lactose intolerant is awesome, because if the cheese is nasty I have a great excuse not to est it.  Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Jeff should make ricotta- it is super easy and yummy.

    Or he should learn how to make chocolate and make his pregnant lady happy.
