Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 13, 2011


For anyone who is sick, I suggest owning a cat.  But not one who will try to kill you, like Tova's cat Duchess.  I've been sick all week and all Luna wants to do is snuggle up next to me (granted, she does like my comforter).  But even when she's not snuggling, she either hangs out near me and kind of stares at me, or she does her own thing (generally attacking her squeaky mouse toys) but comes in my room every five minutes or so (no joke.  It might even be more often than that) to check up on me.  She's like my little nurse.  She will even hang out in the bathroom with me the whole time I'm in the shower, and if I make pathetic groaning noises (which this week has been often) she runs up to me and puts her nose in my face and wants to know whats going on.    BTW, this whole, you're pregnant so your immune system currently sucks, and you can;t take medication thing is such a rip!  Argh!

1 comment:

  1. that is so cute. Dutchess glares at me for using the lambie blanket, and ignores me completely.
