Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

overload of cuteness

So I was being a bit OCD today and organizing Liam's baby clothes (all of which are super adorable!) by type and then by size.  Which, by the way is no mean feat, as he has enough clothes to last him through college.  As I was folding them all I was thinking how cute they all are, and then how much cuter they are going to be when on a cute (god I hope so!) baby, and then the sun shone into the room, so of course Luna walked in to check everything out, and then she started snuggling up against the cute soft clothes (which were also warm and fluffy because I had just taken them out of the dryer) and I almost collapsed due to an overload of cuteness.  And I really don't feel like waiting another three months for Liam to get here.  I'm going crazy already.  I already have his first trip to Disneyland all planned out (when he's 4 months old.  And that's really not SO crazy, because I was 2 months old my first trip there), and Jeff has already mapped out which sports and instruments Liam will be involved with.  Can you tell that Jeff and I are planners?  And way too excited?  So if you see me any time within the next year or so, and think that I'm crazy/ overly excited now you know why.

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