Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

like the movie

Is it pathetic that when I see Luna climbing all over the piano and sniffing it that I really want to lift the cover off the keys and have her play the piano like the little kitty in The Aristocats?  It would be so cute!  Wow, I really need Liam to get here sooner because I apparently need massive doses of cuteness to sustain me, and I guess I'm not getting enough.  Which is saying something, given the cuteness of my cat.

And in a completely unrelated note, have I mentioned that I'm never going to need to buy baby clothes, ever?  I just got more hand me downs today from the cousins, and I think even factoring in lots of changes due to spit-up  Liam will have time to wear each outfit like once, maybe?  His closet in insane!

Umm, Luna just decided that the empty pizza box I just set down next to me on the floor would be a great place to curl up and take a nap.  What a spaz...

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