Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, January 10, 2011

songs starring Luna

Jeff has this new habit of singing random songs, but putting Luna's name in for random nouns.  Unfortunately his song choices leave something to be desired.  For example, singing "Afternoon Delight" about your cat is a bit disturbing.  At least he remembers what the song is about part way through and stops singing.  But then a few hours later he forgets and starts singing it again.  Christmas songs were also entertaining/ disturbing.   I mean, singing "Luna roasting on an open fire" instead of "chestnuts roasting on an open fire" is kind of messed up, unless you truly hate cats.  I'm trying to find some more kitty appropriate songs for him.  The whole Luna song thing is pretty cute, after all.


  1. My dad used to do that with Pierre...He once used the song "Misty"...Katie would know how to sing it... I'll have her remind me sometime :)

  2. Deb does that with the wiener dogs.
