Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

work fun

So I was dressing the mannequins at work today and one outfit in particular made me start laughing.  I wish I could find a picture to post of the whole thing, cause its so freaking cute.  It reminds me of something Tova and I (or maybe just me) would wear when we were younger.  So I suck at describing things sometimes, but just bear with me.  The sweater dress in the top layer, with the turtleneck underneath.  The pink tulle skirt goes under the dress with the silver tulle skirt under the pink skirt.  Each layer shows an inch or two lower than the last though.  Then navy leggings, and the pink shoes.  The skirt part massively poufs out and is so totally cute!  Like, I "might actually let my kid wear all the the pieces together even though that's a lot of laundry" cute.

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