Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

breathe please

So I've definitely calmed down a lot since yesterday.  Jeff and I are both in agreement now that we're SO excited to be having a little boy.  It's funny, we both realized that the more we thought about having a boy, the more excited we got.  I love that we had the same thought.  Yay!  I'm still going to be poor though.  I bought him a coat today.  It was so cute!  It looks just like Paddington Bear's coat!  It did not help at all though that I dressed 11 boy mannequins today at work and they were all SUPER cute!!!

By the way, my mom has already decided that since he obviously can't wear my old Alice in Wonderland costume to Disneyland, we need to get him a pirate costume.  Did I mention she's got his first trip to Disneyland all planned out?  It will be when he's 4 months old.  I love my mom.  She's crazy in a good way.

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