Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, November 19, 2010

Luna's room

Yes, I know Luna is a bit "well loved", seeing as she has her own bedroom and all.  But unfortunately for her, her current room is going to become the baby's room.  Luna's room and the little used office are soon to become one and the same.  We've started moving her furniture and toys into the office little by little so it doesn't freak her out or anything.  We started doing this way early so she has time to get used to it before she gets pissed off at the baby for stealing her room.  After today she'll only have one of two things left in her old room.  I just can't wait until the day when she runs down the hallway and into her room, and she runs into the office instead of her old room.  Yeah, she totally knows which room is hers.  She will run straight into her room if you're chasing her, and she'll stop in the center of her room, turn around and sprawl out in the middle of the floor with the expression of "ok, stop running and scratch my tummy now."

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