Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

My black friday so far has been very eventful, and it's only 10am.  OMG.  Jeff and I got home from dinner last night and figured "Hey, Walmart is just down the street and they open at midnight.  That's only like two hours from now.  Let's just stay up and go there, then we can come home and sleep."  Frankly I'm still surprised everything went so we watched a movie so we wouldn't fall asleep or loose track of time, then we drove off to Walmart (where the huge parking lot was FULL and we had to park at the second to last spot on the edge of the strip mall lot.  We braved the freezing cold and finally made it inside.  It wasn't as bad as I had always feared, having never done black friday before, but we generally stayed away from electronics, and I think that made a big difference.  Judging from everyone's carts (let's face it, I'm nosy and had to see what people were buying) flat screen TVs and crock pots were by far the most popular items.  What did we get you ask?  A $10 electric griddle and a few $2 DVDs.  Oh yeah, we're big spenders.  The lines weren't even that bad to check out, once we all realized the one long line we had all formed because we were told it led to all cashiers was just BS and there were really like 20 small lines.  But we made it out withing an hour , and had awesome people watching.  After all, it was a Walmart.  I had work at 6am this morning, which wasn't so bad sleep wise, just bad in the fact that I think the baby hates me and wants me to be sick all the time.  So I got to leave work after an hour (woohoo!) which was great because black friday still scares the crap out of me, and my store was a complete nightmare.  We also had an abundance of stupid people.
customer: "Um, so you told me everything in your store is 50% off.  Does that include sale items?"
me: "Um, that includes EVERYTHING." (duh)
Anyway, by the time I left my store at 7am, we looked like we were going out of business, when the store was overly packed with merchandise this morning at opening, and from just midnight to 5am my store made $22,000 (which was our goal for the ENTIRE day.  Crazy, right?)
In short, black friday is still insane and scary, but I don't mind shopping it as long as I stay away from the overly crowded electronics section.  Yikes!

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