Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

whoa baby

This whole baby thing is getting crazy all of a sudden.  So, first of all, the idea of eating more than soup or a few bites of food sounds awful to me, so I've lost 10 pounds since conceiving.  This makes my 15 week baby bump that more noticeable.  This also makes all clothes evil.  My jeans are huge in the legs now, but are way too small around my waist, but maternity pants don't really fit that well either.  It's my genius decision then that I'm going to live in sweatpants (unless I actually get a work shift or two).  More baby madness includes my mom in general.  For anyone who has ever met her, she is SO excited to be Grammy!!  She bought the baby its first book yesterday (Brown Bear, Brown Bear) because she wanted to get the first new book (I still have a ton from when I was little too).  She also knows that while I will love it to death no matter what it is, it would be great to have a girl.  So mom has taken to picture messaging me random photos of the little boys in her preschool.  The first time she did this there was no name or message, just a close up of a 2 year old boy with uber chubby cheeks.   It was kinda creepy actually.  Her way of saying, "see? little boys are just as cute!  Did you see his cheeks?"  Never boring, my mom.  And then even though I won't find out the gender until early December, I am losing my mind seeing all the cute Christmas clothes at my store.  Today I broke down and bought the baby its first item of clothes.  It's okay though, I'm not jinxing myself (you know, buy boy clothes and wash them, then you end up with a girl, etc.)  The onesie is completely gender neutral.  I checked.  It doesn't say "baby boy" or "baby girl".  Just "baby".  So I won't really describe it because Jeff is getting it for Christmas.  Sssh! Don't tell!  But it is super cute, had polar bears, and says "I love Daddy".  Yay!

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