Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, November 15, 2010

Luna thoughts

So picture Luna laying down in the dark in a room by herself.  When she noticed Jeff walking towards her with the obvious intention of picking her up, I think this is what was running through her mind.

"Ah, no!  Daddy's coming...must run away.  After I stretcccccch of course.  No!  He's getting closer!  I know, I'll escape by running under this desk and out the other side.....oh wait, this is a dead end.  Noooooo!"

This of course, is where she lost and Jeff picked her up to cuddle and give her kisses.  I know, I know.  She has SUCH a rough life.  Right?  So of course she had to start crying when she get picked up.  Only to start purring like two seconds later.  Much as I love them, I think cats are totally crazy.

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