Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's official

So its official.  As of today I am officially having a boy.  I swear, I was nervous all day today.  I would be happy no matter what.  I mean, it couldn't hurt to have the proper number of fingers, toes, etc.  and being cute is always good too...but I was super nervous before my ultrasound that:
A) I wouldn't be as excited to hear "It's A Boy!" because I know I really wanted a girl.  Granted, I'm totally still excited, but I still feel a little bad that my response wasn't as excited as it should be.  Also, I kinda figured it would be a boy, because boys run rampant in Jeff's family.
B) The ultrasound tech would say, "Nope.  I guess its too early to tell what the gender is, and you, your husband, you mom, your mother-in-law, and your sister-in-law and drove way the heck out here in the middle of nowhere for nothing.  Sorry, come back later."

But I'm still excited.  Jeff got a bit freaked out though, because I think he figured it would be a girl, because that's kind of what we wanted, so when he realized it was a boy he realized that he has to be the role model now, while before he was just thinking he could get away with going to ballet recitals and smiling over tea parties.  Now he has to teach our son to be a man.  And a plus for me is that since its a boy I don't have to be the parent to give the puberty talk.  Yes!!  Also, I'm going to be saving big bucks on wardrobe.  Yes, boy clothes can be cute.  But I really don't get urges to buy jeans with skull and crossbones on them like I do to buy frilly poufy dresses.  I know, I'm kind of scared to have a boy because I'm super girly, and Jeff isn't exactly the butchest guy around.  What if our kid wants to play football?  Ick!

Now the only problem is that I really only wanted one kid, but I wanted a girl even more.  So in another year or two (or three) do we try for a second kid and hope for a girl?  I'm just a bit scared that we're going to be those parents who just wanted one girl and got four or five boys first.  Nightmare. 

But my number one happy reason for having a boy is that Alicia is having one 7 weeks before me, so our boys are going to be first cousins and best friends.  Also, since boys really do run rampant in Jeff's family, our son will have a ton of cousins to play with.  I mean, we all just got to the "old even to have kids age" and already there will soon be four boys and only one girl.

Oh, but of course my mind is already WAY too far ahead.  I'm already thinking that if (or when) we have a second kid, our house will be far to crowded.  I mean, yes, we do have a guest room that could be changed into kid room #2, but the closet is jam packed.  In short, we don't even have the first kid out yet, and even closet in the house (with kid #1 exception) is super full.  So if we have more than one kid we will probably need to move.  But I really don't to move.  I love our house.  Plus, buying and selling and having to get a new mortgage all sounds like a nightmare.  But like I said...WAY too far ahead of myself.  Sorry, I kind of started rambling and went off on like twenty different tangents.  Guess I've kind of got a lot going on in my crazy brain right now...

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