Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, June 7, 2010

the hard way

So today I found out the hard (and gross) way that pincherbugs do indeed like strawberries.  Jeff has several thriving strawberry plants, which recently started to (finally!!!) bear fruit.  As the fruit ripens, he's been picking them off one by one, and putting them in the fridge.  I thought I'd be nice today and wash the berries, and put them in tupperware, but when I started washing them and checking to make sure they were still fresh, I found one with a hole in it, and as I started lifting it out of the sink to throw it out, the biggest freakin' pincherbug I've ever seen in my entire life jumped out!  I freaked out!  Though I am proud to say, I did not utter so much as a peep (I hate it in movies when people get freaked out and scream for no real reason).  So I'm hoping that pincherbugs cannot survive a ride down the drain and a quick trip through the garbage disposal (yeah, it sounds mean, but I'm thorough, and I REALLY hate bugs).  Let me just say, I'm really glad only one berry had a bug! Although no bug would have been better... so, to all people out there, please wash the berries before you put them in the fridge ( *ahem* Jeff).

1 comment:

  1. strawberries start to mold as soon as you wash them. he would have ruined all of them if he had washed them first!
