Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, June 7, 2010

vampires (kinda) revisited

Um yeah, so it turns out I wasn't done with icky bug drama for the day.  I was taking my pillowcase off to replace it and when I pulled my pillow out, there was a huge black spider in the center of my pillow!  So naturally I freaked out and dropped my pillow.  Luckily the spider tried to run away instead of jump and attack my face (I have found its bad to be freaked of spiders, have an overactive imagination, and a suggestive husband), and I squashed it to hell with a shoe.  Yay me!  Wow, London Tipton reference (which hopefully none of you are nerdy enough to recognize).  So, yeah...check your pillows people.  There could be evil spiders in there waiting to bite you on your neck while you sleep.  All I can say is thank goodness that pillowcase was only used for a week, and no longer!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! For suite life. I am a nerd and proud of it!!!!
