Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Green Thumb

Where did the title "green thumb" come from anyway?  I am very proud to say that I no longer have a black thumb, Jeff and I both now are proud owners of green thumbs.  Does that even make sense?  Anyway, Jeff's pride and joy are his strawberry plants, of which he have three varieties.  They are finally starting to bear fruit, and i think he would rather stare at the prettiness of them instead of eat them.  I am on the side of eating them, cause they are super delicious!
My pride and joy is my blueberry bush, which after a year and a half is starting to look good and taste even better.  I swear, the biggest and yummiest berries ever!  Yum!

I know its super cheesy, but my gardening goal is to grow and make my own salsa.  I swear, my mouth is watering right now.

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