Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Website of the Week

I actually should have titled this "website of my week", because I don't intend to actually have an official website of the week, unless it is by popular demand.  Let me know.  Anyway, this week is definately and once you check it out, my reasoning will be obvious.  I suggest you search photos by highest rated.  Let's just say that after scanning a few pages of this, Jeff probably wanted to strangle m because I kept laughing, snorting, and wanting to describe it all to him.  Warning: this is thescariest site I have ever seen!!!!!  This site also makes me want to never ever step foot in a walmart again, cause I don't want to be anywhere near the...well, let's just call them "beings".  Ugh!

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