Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Yeah, ok, you know how you all thought Luna was spoiled because she has our undivided attention, lots of toys, and her own room?  Yeah, well, we felt bad cause it was hot and she likes it just made sense to get her a kitty pool, right?  And yes, I said "kitty" pool, not "kiddie" pool.  Only, its really a puppy pool, cause we could only find them with bone print, and not fish print like Jeff wanted.  I know its because most cats depise water, but it still would have been cooler.  She was a little confused at first.  Like "why it there a bathtub in my room now?", but she got the hang of it pretty quick.  Although she still hasn't really figured out the whole, water cools you off thing apparentally cause she wants to play in the pool when its cold, and sprawl under the ceiling fans when its hot.  My little oldball.   :)
Sorry Jeff, don't hate me for putting your picture here.  But doesn't he look cute while he's torturing Luna?  Jeez, just look at her face.  Her life is just awful isn't it?

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