Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 17, 2010

new pillow

So we went to Dave and Busters the other day (for anyone not familiar with it, its like Chuck E Cheese for grownups).  Of course, Jeff kicked butt and won the most tickets.  We got the most random prizes ever, like a monkey stuffed animal/ music speakers (not a joke!), and Jeff HAD to get the tiny Dubble Bubble pillow for nostalgic reasons.  Well, he didn't get to keep it for very long because Luna claimed it.It makes the perfect size pillow for her.  The first night we got it she slept between us with her head of her new pillow.  As you can see, she got kind of mad that we were waking her up and bothering her (especially in the first photo!)

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